User rights information

User rights, change or deletion of information.

Users have the right to request information about the personal data processed by us by notifying us in writing using the contact details below.

Users have the right to one (1) copy of the processed personal data belonging to them free of charge. For additional copies, the data controller has the right to charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs for such demand.

Users have the right to, if necessary, correction of incorrect personal data about that User, by requesting such correction in writing using the contact details below.

The user has the right to demand erasure or restriction of processing, and the right to object to processing based on legitimate interest under certain circumstances.

The User has the right to revoke a consent to processing that has been given by the User to the Personal Data Controller. Exercising this right may, however, mean that the user cannot apply for a certain job or otherwise use the Service.

Contact information: